  If you're like me, every January gets me thinking about things I can change for the new year. Bad habits I want to break, things I want to improve on, goals I want to set. All my imperfections begin...
Unless you've been living under a rock for the past six months, you have heard about the Harvey Weinstein sex scandal in Hollywood. I know I have, and I'm not one to sit and watch the news or Entertainment...
       If you are looking for a way to spend a great day making memories with your family... search no further! It is whale watching season here in San Diego and it is sure to be an experience for everyone...
Happy New Year!  It’s time for resolutions and promises to make this the year where we all get really organized. No more running late, not knowing what’s for dinner or forgetting birthdays. This is the year right? We can’t be perfect...
Whether you followed along with us during our first book club last year or not, we are launching it back up again for 2018. Last year was our first year, so we were learning as we went along. We quickly...
The San Diego Moms Blog has had an incredible 2017!  Not only have we seen over 750 of you at our various events this year, but we have seen an incredible online presence in this community. It gives us so...
You know how sometimes you wake up with a brilliant idea? Yeah me either- until NOW! I woke up the other morning and decided that I did NOT want to make "New Years Goals" for 2018 this year.  In the past, I...
I got married with the expectation of having babies. I won’t say lots, but let’s just say my husband is one of nine and I am one of five kids, so having babies was something we both wanted from the...

Motherhood with Depression

Chances are when you see the words depression and motherhood together you think of postpartum depression. While postpartum depression is devastating, (I’ve been there, I know) often the storm doesn't end there. My official diagnosis is bipolar 2 disorder and generalized anxiety...
When was the last time you heard someone say their husband is a great person, an extraordinary person? Now when was the last time you heard someone say their husband is lazy, inattentive, selfish and distant? The latter is...
Oh man, where do I even begin?  First off, let me tip a big hat to all the mamas out there who went back to work right after their maternity leave. Maybe you didn’t have a choice and had to...
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. We kicked off December with our 2nd annual Sips and Sweets with Santa: Santa Sweet Shop. It was an enchanting time, in a winter candy land. Our co-host Hotel Karlan helped...

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In + Around San Diego

Top 5 Reasons New & Expecting Moms Should Attend BLOOM on...

We are SO excited for our annual BLOOM event on Saturday, April 20th from 10am-2pm at Joya Kitchen. Bloom is designed specifically for new...