My “Well Planned Day” Homeschool Helper {Sponsored Post}

Disclosure:: This post is sponsored by Well Planned Gal, but as always, the opinions expressed in this post are our own.

I am a homeschooling- work at home- soccer coach- mom with a NECESSARY schedule put into place.

Without some sort of schedule (ie. sanity saver), then everyone gets a little cray-cray.

We plan our days the best we can, and if you are anything like me, the schedule needs to be written down. There is not ONE app out there that I can stay accountable to. Personally, writing it down connects better in my brain, helping me remember it all, and it also acts as a brain dump so that I can get my thoughts all out and sleep better at night. You know how you lay in bed thinking of all the things you need to do the next day? Write it down. Seriously, it’s the only thing that works for me.

Ashly with Well Planned Gal must have heard those thoughts in my head when she sent me my very own 2016-2017 Well Planned Day planner by Rebecca Scarlata Keliher.


As a work at home mom, this planner helps with everyday scheduling. Do the husband or kiddos have appointments? It goes on the calendar. Do I have an event? It goes on the calendar. Do I have play dates, scheduled calls or deadlines to meet? It goes on the calendar.


As a homeschooling mom, it’s a perfect tool to help get through the school day. Plan your kids study schedule with the individual columns for each day and the different boxes for each subject. Provided are Bible, Math, History, Science, and English. Then there’s some blank space to fill in whatever else you need to get done! Obviously, mine is blank for now, but it will be full next week!


As a chore tackling mom who needs to get the grocery shopping done at multiple locations, I find these shopping tear outs really helpful. Again, the only way that I remember everything on my shopping list is if it’s WRITTEN DOWN. If I try and do it on my phone, or heaven forbid I try and remember it all without writing it anywhere, I will inevitably forget something.


And lastly, as a mom who needs to hear some words of encouragement or words of affirmation on a semi-regular basis, there’s nuggets of wisdom all throughout the planner. I am always inspired when I read these little stories and words of wisdom while I am flipping through my filled pages.

Honestly, this has been the best day planner experience I have had thus far that has fit all my work at home, soccer coach, homeshooling mom needs. I would encourage you to be as organized as you can be if you are in my boat and have an extremely full schedule. Checking all your options when it come to your organization may take some time, but this planner will do it all for you!

NOT a homeschooling mom? There’s a ton of other organizational products that might fit your specific needs. Check out the Well Planned Gal’s shop and see for yourself why these products are so special!



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