You Have Enough


Do you want to know the secret to having it all?

I’ll fill you in on the secret, because I have it all, and you do too.

Now you may be thinking, “no, I most certainly do not have it all, I have bills I struggle to pay, I have so many things I want and need.” But here is the secret to having it all: It’s knowing that you already do. I have that phrase written on our bedroom wall and every day I wake up and look at it as a reminder. Just like you, I want the bigger house, the better this, and more, more, more. But realizing I have enough already is the secret. You have enough, plain and simple. When you realize that, you can be grateful for all you have and your whole perspective on life will shift.

We do things so we can have things so we can be things.

For instance, we do a job so we can buy the nice car so we can be successful. Or we do things for our kids so we can have a good relationship with them so we can be a good mom. However, whether it’s success or being a parent, we ALREADY are those things! Flip it and say, “I am successful, I have enough, and I take inspired action to get what I want.” Or “I am a good mom, I have a great relationship with my daughter, and I take inspired action like going on playdates because it’s great bonding time for us.”

The point is, you don’t have to do stuff to be your gift to this world, you already are the gift! You were born with enough to be that gift. If you struggle to know what your gifts are, grab your phone and call three people and ask them to tell you: “What gifts do you see in me that I give to the world?” This is an amazing exercise that everyone should do! Stop reading and do it right now! Sometimes we are so stuck in our ways that we that don’t see what others see in us. No one will tell you that your gifts are your fancy clothes, house, or car. Your gifts to this world are so much more than your possessions. 

Let’s get back to the concept of you having enough because I know you are still thinking, “I don’t have enough.” I get it! Trust me, I do. I recently read an article about the importance of three words, “I get enough.” The article was a game changer for me. It talked about a little girl who was at her sister’s birthday party. Her mom wrote on a piece of paper, “I get enough” and the little girl kept the note in her pocket. Whenever she felt jealous that her sister was getting all the presents or attention, she would pull out the note and remember, “I get enough cake, I get enough gifts, I get enough attention.” That is so powerful! Can we all do that with our kids? Teach them that they have enough? The next time you go to a party and start feeling jealous remind yourself, “I have enough,” just like that little girl did. 

Theodore Roosevelt once said: “Comparison is the thief of joy.” He was so right, and he couldn’t have predicted what social media would do to us!

The opposite of comparison is staying in your own lane and not comparing your chapter one to someone else’s chapter 14. You can stop comparing when you realize you already have it all. A daunting medical bill is a reminder that you are alive. Those wrinkles are a reminder that you have the freedom to be in the sun and age with grace, others don’t have that freedom or were taken from this world too young. When you are filled with gratitude for what you have, you can celebrate others instead of comparing. They are vacationing (again!) at a five-star resort? So amazing! They just moved to a huge house with a pool and ocean view in San Diego? Incredible! Maybe I will ask them how they made their dream house a reality. Instead of thinking, “Not fair!”, think “I’m so grateful to know or hear of these inspiring people!”

I want you to know that this takes work. I work on my mindset daily. I will admit, I can be a very jealous person and it is so easy to compare and feel inadequate. What has helped me is surrounding myself with positive people, going to conferences, and participating in online webinars that teach you tools for achieving your dreams and shifting your mindset.

You have enough, you already are everything you work so hard to be, and now I hope you know the secret to having it all!


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